Certificación: Dairy Cattle Nutrition Certification
1800 S. Oak St, Suite 100 Champaign, IL 61820-6974
ARPAS has developed a new level of certification that is between PAS/RAS and ACAN (American College of Animal Nutrition) Board Certification, it is a species Nutrition Certification. The nutrition certification is species specific as the name implies. To date the Dairy Cattle Nutrition Exam is the only one available.
The requirements for Nutrition Certification are 1) be a current member PAS or RAS in the species that you are taking the exam in, 2) pass the nutrition exam and 3) maintain yearly continuing education credits with at least 8 hours of the 16 hours required devoted to species nutrition.
The requirements for Nutrition Certification are 1) be a current member PAS or RAS in the species that you are taking the exam in, 2) pass the nutrition exam and 3) maintain yearly continuing education credits with at least 8 hours of the 16 hours required devoted to species nutrition.
- More than two years of education or training after high school required?
- Yes
- More than two years of work experience required?
- Yes
- Oral or Written Exam Required?
- Yes
- Renewal Required?
- Every 1 Year(s)
- Renew through Continuing Educational Units(CEU)?
- Yes
- Renew through Re-Examination?
- No
- Renew through Continuing Professional Development(CPD)?
- No
- Does applicant have choice of at least two options from above for renewal (CEU, CPD, or exam)?
- No
La certificación tiene un nivel de educación de los asociados de las artes o asociados de Ciencias de grado o superior y tiene un requisito de experiencia laboral de más de 2 años, o requiere la obtención de un "núcleo" de la certificación de nivel de la misma organización.